Little People Update

Yesterday morning I was at the swimming pool and a little class of five year olds came in for lessons. I watched them and found it a little too easy to imagine Alyssa amongst them. She is very keen to be five.



Alyssa continues to be very caring and maternal. She and her close friend at daycare spend the bulk of their time looking after the toy babies. She adores her tiny cousin Ryder and is very gentle with him.





At home, she doesn’t have quite so much interest in helping me in the kitchen as she used to, but is usually busy immersed in complicated imaginary games. Today, she invited all of her imaginary daycare friends to visit her imaginary swimming pool in the living room, and they had imaginary swimming lessons together.





Recently she has been most interested in letters and reading and writing. She loves to play a modification of eye spy – “what is in the trees that starts with P” she asks, and eventually has to help me out with the answer being Possum. She likes to think of as many words starting with a particular letter as she can. However, although she can write most of the letters, and sound out all the consonants in words and usually get the vowels, she balks under any remote pressure of writing much apart from Alyssa, Ally, Toby, Mum, Dad, Angus and Nani. The more adult-goal oriented encouragement Alyssa receives, the less she engages. She is not a performer.



“Ally”, self portrait. Note the plaits and necklace, and you can just see an arm coming out at about ear level.



Toby celebrated his second birthday last Thursday, June 30th. His wee personality continues to develop along the same themes. In contrast to Alyssa, he is a bit of a performer and loves to make people laugh.



Last few moments of being a one year old


He is courageous and brave, and is eager to give anything a go. This is probably contributed by him adoring his big sister, and being keen to join in with whatever she is doing. Remember how Alyssa ignored the toilet until she was 2 3/4, and could use it entirely independently. Toby, in Toby fashion, is just keen to get involved and give it a go now. He likes to get on it between each nappy change and concentrates very hard until he does a little wee or fart. Then toilet paper, flush and hand washing.



He has a fairly extensive vocabulary but is really only just starting to construct sentences. At times he strings about four words together, other times it’s just a couple. Alyssa is very helpful at interpreting what he is saying, although often this is just an exact mimic of what he has said which isn’t as helpful as she thinks.

Toby continues to have a voracious appetite and often eats adult quantities of things. He also isn’t remotely fussy and tucks in to what ever he can get his hands on.



Overall, there is just something about him that is absolutely delicious. It might be the way he says ‘oh’ in a perfectly agreeable fashion, or the way he articulates things like ‘darling mummy’, ‘please mummy’, and ‘love you’; or maybe it’s the little patch of soft skin on the nape of his neck. Perhaps it’s that he is at this incredible age where any things that frustrate him only do so in an endearing fashion, and aren’t remotely tiresome. Or possibly, it’s just that he’s mine and thus I love him so.






A Toby Mis-Adventure

Remember in my last Alyssa and Toby update I said “Toby leaps in and delightfully gives anything a go without much consideration for the consequences or whether he’s actually capable or not”?

A month ago he did exactly this climbing on a high curved ladder at the playground. Even though I was standing right beside him spotting he slipped and fell, resulting in a fractured fibula and tibia – leg bones at his ankle.

So then we had this:


Didn’t slow him down much, we had cherry picking assistance and plenty of climbing:

And when his cast came off his friends signed it with him at daycare:


A catch up

I’m not really sure why, but I have really been absent from this blog lately. Interestingly, the same thing happened when Alyssa was a similar age – but that was because I was pregnant, sick and tired. I am not pregnant this time! Just with a full life balancing work, winter sports, coordinating the never ending laundry drying on cold winter days, and recently doing some reading.




Also, Alyssa has stopped her afternoon naps so that has probably eaten into my ‘me time’. She is very awesome about me pottering on jobs while she does her own important work, but I try to keep computer use to a minimum while the little people are around. Alyssa is such a busy girl at the moment. She has a bunny and two dolls, and like any Mum of three, they occupy most of her time.

Rock a bye baby

Rock a bye baby

In the tree top

In the tree top

Baby will FALL!

Baby will DROP!

This morning by the time I got up she had already been to the supermarket for milk, yoghurt and sultanas with bunny in the wrap and the dolls in the pram. They were just about to have nappy changes then settle down for morning tea. If Antz is away and I am getting Lyssa and Toby sorted for bed, I can just focus on Toby with stories, a feed and tucking him in – while Alyssa will keep busy doing the same with her three babies. This is on top of all the ice-cream, birthday cake and tea making, and netball playing she fills in her days with.



On the topic of netball, Alyssa is my special netball friend. When pregnant with her I never thought I’d be lucky enough to have a girl, and when she was born and Antz finally realised she wasn’t a boy, my first thought was how I’d be able to take her to netball. And, this has begun! Just my netball so far, but she loves coming up every week, then recreating the game once we get home. I get pretty focussed so don’t actually know what she does on the sideline (I usually allocate some handy person to keep an eye on her). But for the 1.5 hours we are there I don’t hear a peep from her – she’s waiting for a smile and a kiss at the breaks and that is all! It is really special to be able to share something I love with my girl.



Although she has dropped her day sleeps, she sometimes still struggles without them. This week I have discovered that if she really needs a nap she will fall asleep in the wrap on my back which is extremely comfortable and snuggly. Yesterday she was asleep after about a 15 minute walk, and kept sleeping while I mostly sat down for the next 40 minutes.

She has also had a resurrection of her desire to use the toilet. Child led ‘toilet training’ (not that there is any training involved) is really rather relaxing. Similar to a lot of parenting (breastfeeding/toddler sharing battles/motor development…) it all comes down to trust. Trust and faith that my child is a capable little human – and all normal human beings are going to learn to use the toilet. A couple of days ago Lyssa decided that she was keen to wear undies and use the toilet, so she took of her nappy, put on her undies, and has been using the toilet successfully. When she last decided to wear undies, she consistently wet through multiple times a day. Interestingly this time there has only been one occasion where she contributed to our carpet stains. I suppose she’s just a little more ready now!



On to Toby. Whenever I think about him, I get this bubbling of joy inside me and the adjective that comes to mind is delicious. As he gets older I see more of how his personality differs to Alyssa. The current example is in the desire to walk – Toby is much less balanced and strong than Alyssa, but much more keen to start walking. He’s done one unsupported and uncontrolled step, and a lot of falling over. In contrast, Alyssa generally doesn’t do something until she can do it well. (And yes, I do compare my children, constantly. It’s too interesting not to!)




Toby is beginning to enjoy climbing and loves to have the couch cushions down so he can climb over them, and climb up onto the couch and ‘jump’ holding onto the back.  He really loves to be outside and will take any opportunity to sneak past if the door is open.




Toby’s hair is starting to come through a little curly around his ears, just as Alyssa’s did. I think he won’t have a haircut until he’s five. Perhaps around the time I stop breastfeeding him.

Just kidding.

(Sort of).

My Toby Toblerone. As the wild things say: We'll eat you up, we love you so!

My Toby Toblerone. As the wild things say: We’ll eat you up, we love you so!

In other news, I have had a break from sewing but am working on a reversible shoulder bag at the moment, so when I have the time to finish that I will update you. I am reading a book for the first time in many months – ‘Ross Poldark’ which is my mum’s all time favourite, and has been made into a television series twice. Given that I have read my all time favourite book (Diana Gabaldon’s Cross stitch) upwards of 15 times, I really need some new material 🙂


Mustering below Ben Lomond with Uncle Hamish and the Hounds. Toby asleep on the job


Looking over Alexandra


Waiting… a year ago


And then there were Four


Antz and I out for a winter ride, Flat Top Hill, Alexandra

Mr Tobias – 10 months old – with sibling comparison

With so many projects on the go – sewing! running! avoiding food waste! and with Toby being child #2, he’s not getting as many developmental updates as his big sister did. Here is Alyssa at much the same age.

Alyssa Joyce, 10 1/2 months

Alyssa Joyce, 10 1/2 months

Toby Spencer, 10 1/2 months

Toby Spencer, 10 1/2 months

Alyssa, focussing at 10 months old

Alyssa, focussing at 10 months old

Toby, focussing at 10 months old

Toby, focussing at 10 months old

Since I last wrote about him, he has become competent in going up and down our concrete steps off the deck and can also climb full flights and get up onto little towers at the playground. Remember when Alyssa was learning about stairs? She started cross crawling quite a bit earlier than Toby, and hence spent a lot longer climbing up them before she taught herself to descend backwards. Toby has figured out a side to backwards technique quite quickly, and at the same age of about 10.5 months. Interesting (for their mother, anyway)!



(I can’t believe I referenced a study in my baby update post. Or actually I can, that’s the geeky sort of stuff I do).

He is now confident in standing with just one hand to support and is slowly cruising the furniture. He took about a week to learn to sit down from standing but now has that well and truly sorted.

Just chewing the fat on the back steps

Just chewing the fat on the back steps


Toby continues to be a pretty great sleeper. He wakes a few times a night but it’s almost always pretty brief – a feed or a cuddle and back down. For his naps it’s just a matter of laying him down in his cot and walking out – and after our experiences of child #1 (who has just this week stopped napping in her pram), this continues to be hard to believe. It’s  truly lovely. But for nights part of me is thinking – Alyssa regularly slept through the night from 9 months, after a little encouragement – Perhaps it’s time for you to do the same. However the thing is, I am actually not ready to give up our night time cuddles. I’m ready for them to Never Ever be hourly again (the case this week as we are in the midst of teething or tummy bugs or separation anxiety or something unpleasant), but I would quite like to continue with the once a night for a little longer.

If you think that’s weird, you must never have experienced quiet of the night snuggles with a person you love so much your heart trembles just thinking about it.


Toby’s latest development has been spoon feeding himself, and much like I remember with Alyssa it’s all happened pretty quickly (here was the first mention of this with her). He is a baby led weaner so refuses to take a spoon from us. We have given him his own spoon pretty much since he started solids, and just yesterday I noticed he was making a concerted effort to use it as a spoon with his pumpkin soup. Then today with both porridge and soup he was away – in a fairly coordinated fashion spooning it in. Such concentration!!



Toby’s breastfeeding journey continues to be quite different from Alyssa’s. He has just had a ‘nursing strike’ where he only fed about three times over a 48 hour period (normal in this time would probably be about 15 times). Whether it’s teeth, adjusting to me working, feeling a bit unwell – for whatever reason he just refused. However we’re back on track now, hopefully for many many months to come.

So that’s our wee boy. Cheerful, self directed, easy going and extremely appreciative of food!


Full Days for Team Longman

I read something lately about busy-ness disease. Being busy sort of comes with a negative vibe – but probably what you have if you are busy is a full life. This is certainly the case for us – we don’t do much thumb twiddling and our lives are full of goodness.




Over the past few weeks Toby has learnt to cross crawl, has grown teeth #3 and #4, has learnt to clap and wave, crawl up and down steps (in a crash onto the concrete kind of fashion at times), and just today stand up against furniture. Now that he is a bit bigger and more robust, he and Alyssa can start to play together a bit more which they love.

He’s also been up quite a bit more at night. Given that I’ve also returned to work this week, this is hardly surprising.




Alyssa, meanwhile, has taught herself to do the most graceful forwards rolls, play the harmonica, read letters A, T, and M and write (sort of) the letter A. She’s querying the beginnings of life, probably due to all our friends having babies (this evening baby Isabelle was in her tummy and was very hungry for breastmilk tucker when she came out. She is delving into The World of Pretend and displays an expression of challenge – “Yeah, I know this is Make Believe and it’s kind of silly. But let’s just run with it, ok?” Which of course we do – and riding an imaginary scooter is quite the challenge. (Try it!)

Always has her sleeves rolled up, ready for action

Always has her sleeves rolled up, ready for action


Forwards roll about to happen...

Forwards roll about to happen…

Speaking of challenge, I am really enjoy my Sew 2015 challenge. This winter coat is making me think so hard – apparently I sort of freeze in the middle of the floor in total focus as I try to visualise how it’s going to work. Last night I spent hours cutting out my ‘fashion fabric’ (This is what they say on sewing blogs. My fashion fabric is a $4 woollen blanket from the sallies. Smirk). It literally only just fit – I just have a few scraps left which I will need for pockets.

My 'muslin' - sewn out of my Granny's old sheet. Enjoyable to work with as the faint naphthalene scent made me think of her constantly :)

My ‘muslin’ – sewn out of my Granny’s old sheet. Enjoyable to work with as the faint naphthalene scent made me think of her constantly 🙂

All the pieces cut out and ready to sew!

All the pieces cut out and ready to sew!

Winter sports are underway as of today with a pre season netball tournament. Netball, basketball and canoe polo mixed in with the year round biking and kayaking will keep us full to the brim seven days a week.


P.S: I’m not oblivious to all the mum-bragging that has gone on here – and permeating all through flowthyme. But they’re my babies, and they’re awesome, and it’s my prerogative as a Mama 🙂

Make-A-Coat update, and other news

So, despite not really knowing what I’m doing I am going full steam ahead with designing and sewing my lined hooded wool coat. Because my materials are costing me almost nothing, I’m happy to be a bit experimental and just tinker away at this project for the fun of it. If I make something wearable then that will be quite startling. If I don’t, then I will be a little embarrassed in blog-world but no harm done.

Besides, I don’t even know if I will wear a wool coat. I’m more of a down jacket kind of person.

So far I have drafted a pattern based on three existing coats – one of mine, a friend’s and Antz’s one. My next step is to cut it out of an old sheet and quickly sew it together to see if I’m on the right track.

I have vague ideas of how to go about lining it, but I think this is something you do later in the piece so I won’t worry about it just yet.

Anyway, in other news:

Toby has learnt to clap, wave and cross crawl in the last few days. His two top teeth are almost through and he’s finally settling into a two-nap a day sort of routine.

Alyssa has been requesting sunglasses. Purple ones, please. The $2 shop came to the party.



I have been harvesting and processing. Today included tomato relish making, and wild blackberry harvesting for jam and winter puddings.

Out, damn spot. A blackberry harvesting hand.

Out, damn spot. A blackberry harvesting hand.

Autumn has us in her arms. We have a spectacular wood pile and have just signed away all our savings to get most of our house double glazed before this winter. I am looking forward to snuzzling (an Alyssa-ism) down together to enjoy soups, stews, roaring fires, frosty starts and crisp clear 0 degree days.


And, I become a working mum again in two days time. My rather delightful 10 months of maternity leave has come to an end – it’s been pretty fun. I feel sick in my tummy at the thought of leaving my baby boy all day long, but it has to be done (see the double glazing point above!). Fortunately, I have a great job which I will once again enjoy, and supportive bosses who let me choose my hours based on what is best for our family.

Just a few happenings

Toby leading Antz and Alyssa in his exercise class.





Alyssa reading bedtime stories to Toby and Antz.





As soon as a baby is put into flannelette PJ’s they are all grown up!

Alyssa and Angus hanging out.





Angus is a delightful, really sensitive and thoughtful wee boy. He ‘sportscasts’ so Lisa and I don’t have to: “Alyssa has the toy but Angus wants the toy” and “Angus feels sad” as they are struggling to each play with something. Alyssa is the boss: “climb up there Angus and we will read this book. No not that book, that’s not for you!”. It’s very much fun to observe.

And my cheerful Toby


Clever Clogs

Alyssa put her sandals on for daycare this morning, on the wrong feet (as she often does).

“Does that look right?” we ask.

She looks down at her feet, then gives us a little smile and proceeds to take one off her right foot.

“This one goes on the left foot” she informs us.

Language Laughter

Alyssa is starting to ask questions which I haven’t really noticed before. Yesterday she pointed to a roll of strapping tape and asked, “What’s that?”.

And just now – Bang bang bang from next door…

“Who’s that coming? A builder! My hear some noises!”

She cracks us up every day. Last night a while after we’d put her to bed we went to check on her, and she was standing just inside her room with every single shoe from her drawer lined up in front of her.

“First sleeping. First porridge. Then shoes. Um…. sandals. Pink sandals” she decided after perusing the selection.

It was very very hard not to laugh.


Tuckered out toddler

Age 15 months: accessorising, possessions, personality

Our fifteen month old baby is now a lovely little lady. She particularly likes shoes, hats and handbags. She’ll carry random objects around for days on end, and will wait until she’s managed to hook (insert item here) over her arm before continuing on her journey. Suggested hook-over-arm items are bags, bras, underpants or pieces of string. She loves body parts, but even more loves that she knows what they are. This is a girl who is excited by the stuff she knows, and likes to let everybody know how clever she is. When we get to the page of A Summery Saturday Morning that reads:

” A goose looks out of the tangled green
the tangled green, the tangled green.
Her neck is long and her eye is mean
On a summery saturday morning”

She’s pointed out her eye and our eyes well before we reach the third line.


Favourite toy: chicken stock container


Gold hand bag at the zoo


Sash made of Daddy’s (clean) underpants. Nothing unusual to see here folks.


Got my underpants sash, got my bike bungy necklace: ready to mission!


I’m super tough and his is my patch… but I’m coming to see you for a snuggle Mummy!