Safe Co Sleeping

I just came across this article about how co sleeping is killing our babies, like an epidemic. It made me grumpy, because there is a huge difference between safe and unsafe co sleeping. The article clearly states that the baby was fed formula before bed, and the mother had smoked and drank alcohol the night before. Emotive comments about co sleeping being the cause for SIDS are very unhelpful, because it does nothing for educating families how to co sleep safely. I would guarantee that almost every mother will co sleep at some stage, because its the most natural thing in the world. So let’s stop fuelling parental guilt, and start educating.

From my research, to cosleep safely:

– Breastfed baby
– Smoke free household (including during pregnancy)
– Drug and alcohol free, and not excessively tired. Obviously all mothers are perpetually tired (except for those imaginary ones whose babies sleep through the night from 3 months), but I think excessively-wont respond to baby-tired.
– Firm surface, tightly fitting sheet
– Baby has own bedding (so not under a heavy duvet)
– Baby on mothers side – the mother instinctively knows where the baby is even when sleeping, the father isn’t so aware.
– Sleep baby on back, and don’t over heat – similar attire to what the mother’s wearing, as body heat is shared.
– Don’t sleep on things like the couch or a beanbag – the baby can fall into an unsafe spot on these.

When I’m not about to go to bed I’ll write another post on the reported BENEFITS of co sleeping.

* Alyssa snuggles in with me when we need it. Sometimes from the early hours if her teethy-pecks are hurting, sometimes when Antz is away and I need lots of baby cuddles, sometimes from 6am – a lovely long feed and doze before we start the day.

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