Six steps. Just saying…

The walking progression continues, and I am beside myself with excitement. Alyssa looks so damn proud of herself!

Alyssa's proud face

Alyssa’s proud face

The great thing is that she is a master at getting up into free standing unaided. So I’ll say to her, “good standing?”, and she’ll give me a grin and stand up looking stoked, then attempt her steps. Weight shift carefully, swing the leg around – keeping the knee pretty locked, circumducting from the hip, wide base of support. Then the next one. (Can you tell I’m a physio?). When she falls after one or two steps she’ll immediately stand up again and try a couple more, until she falls giggling into my arms.

This is a very exciting day. I’m glad it’s a day when Antz is on afternoon Alyssa-ing, so he can see this too (so far he’s just seen one step).

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