Alyssa Likes Cats

There have been various occasions when I’ve been asked to describe Alyssa’s personality or what she likes. Until recently I’ve been a bit stumped. Although I know her as well as it’s possible to know anybody or anything – perhaps even better than I know myself, I’ve found it really hard to articulate her personality. She just is. Awesome. My favourite. Best thing ever. In fact, even a month or so ago when we started thinking about what kind of birthday cake to make her Antz and I couldn’t come up with anything that would represent a favourite thing.

However, now I can describe what she likes and who she is. Her little personality is becoming so clear.

She is bold and brave and an explorer. The only time she sits still is for the first few minutes when she’s somewhere new, or if lots of unfamiliar people are in her territory. But once she’s sussed things out, she’s off – crawling, climbing, standing, tugging, throwing, poking, cuddling.

She delights in her successes. She is absolutely stoked when she does something that she’s pleased with, or that she knows pleases us. Her face explodes into a massive grin when she spontaneously claps, finds something we’ve asked her to search for, or manages to climb somewhere new.

She is always busy and doesn’t sit and play with one thing for very long. Other little people have figured out that they can put this on top of that, or this inside that. Alyssa will consider this for about 2 seconds then move on to the next thing. In saying that, she’ll often sit still for some time observing what’s going on, contemplating.

When she’s tired or uncertain she’s cuddly, but often she’s too busy to sit still for a snuggle.

She likes cats – real cats, pictures of cats, patting cats. This has probably originated from the friendly neighbours cat who often visits at the back door. In fact, if we say “where’s the black cat” she’ll immediately head to the back door to see if he’s there.


Black Cat




Hide and seek behind the clothes horse

She loves to play hide and seek and when people play peek a boo. Almost always guaranteed to result in grins and giggles.


Hide and seek on the deck



She loves to be outdoors and having a good look at things. She’s always happy in the back pack and chats away, pointing things out and taking in the scenery.





Outfit chosen by Daddy.

She doesn’t like hats, but is really cute in them. However, if she’s distracted she’ll keep them on.



She loves balls. Big balls – which she can actually grab in both hands and stand up while holding it (I know, my baby’s very advanced!), and little balls which she throws in the scrummiest way when we ask, “can you throw the ball?” (I know, so clever!).



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